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Are You Considering Franchise Business Ownership As Your Next Career Move?

Have you gotten to that stage in your career where you are asking yourself…what’s next?  Building wealth for someone else?  Is it time to start building for yourself and your family?  Have you always had a deep-down feeling that one day you will be the boss and own your own business?  Is now the time?  When will there be a better opportunity?  

Taking the leap into business ownership is scary…there is no doubt.  But if you believe in yourself and you know that you will do all it takes to be successful, then I can promise you there is nothing more satisfying than running your own business (big or small) and succeeding. 

Every year there are hundreds of thousands of people starting a new business.  Why do they leave a secure job to start a risky business?  Why do they invest their life savings to purchasing a franchise?  The answer is fairly simple; it’s about the benefits, not the business!  If you are considering investing in a franchise now or in the near future, ask yourself this one question, “what benefits am I looking for in owning a business?”  If having the flexibility to watch your son or daughter’s soccer game is important, or having time to be part of all those special family moments are at the top of your list, then choose a business that allows for quality of life.   Maybe building an asset for future sale or something to pass along to your children is important, then look for a franchise that has a proven history and may be recession proof.   Becoming a franchise owner means that you are in business for yourself with all the support and back-up from a larger business who is dedicated to your success.

Would you like to see how you stack up as a franchise owner, click here to take your free business profile assessment?

You can reach me at 407.203.3966 |, or book time with me directly at

Florida banks face conundrum to survive

As the number of Florida-based banks continues to dwindle, one analyst predicts the state’s banking sector will shrink to 100 banks within two years.  At the beginning of the year, 149 banks were headquartered in Florida. That’s down from 306 lenders 10 years earlier and 227 just five years ago. Bank failures — 72 in Florida since 2008, including nine in Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties — and mergers/acquisitions have trimmed the landscape of independent banks.

Source: Florida banks face conundrum to survive

Why I Became a Franchise Broker

Why I Became a Franchise Broker

Sometimes in life you are presented with opportunities that just feel right. You can become part of a winning team, find and nurture a great personal relationship, or work in a fulfilling career. When I learned of the opportunity to be an Independent Franchise Broker and partner with the Franchise Brokers Association (FBA), it was not that way immediately, but it soon came to be. I will share the story and tell you why I decided to start my Franchise Brokerage business.

I had been considering making a career change for a couple of years, but being a careful and thoughtful person, I knew a move that would inspire and motivate me would have to be something special. After all, I had invested years into my career that allowed me to develop excellent, lasting, professional relationships with clients in the financial services industry across North America. For many in my network, I have been a trusted business partner and advisor. The value of these relationships is not something I take lightly.

Then my Career Coach contacted me one day and introduced Franchise Brokering to me. It sparked my interest because it sounded like an opportunity to use my skills in a new and more fulfilling way. However, I did not jump into it right away. As I have already shared, I like to do my homework.

As I dug deeper into the opportunity, which included looking at competing franchise brokerage networks, I decided that FBA offered the best suite of resources and services in the industry. It takes franchise brokering to a higher level by incorporating advanced training and providing access to a network of professionals in every possible specialty: legal, funding, accounting, marketing, social media, and a host of others. Becoming a Franchise Broker had that “just right” feel to me.

So that’s the story of how I became a Franchise Broker. Let me also share a few points on why I am so excited about the work I do.

Helping Others Realize Their Dreams. So many people dream of owning a successful business but don’t know where to begin. It’s energizing to match people, their skills, and their interests to proven business systems that maximize the value of their talents and experiences.

Reducing the Confusion of Franchise Research. There are many franchise business opportunities. Some might say too many. I have worked with clients who started researching on their own, only to give up in frustration because there are so many. How do you choose? Through FBA’s industry-leading franchise system and several other tools, I help clients cut through the clutter and focus on the best options for them.

Finding Freedom and Enjoying Liberation. This might sound a little dramatic. Guess what? It’s not! When my clients invest in proven franchised businesses, their relief at escaping the corporate grind by making their own decisions and being their own boss is dramatic. I get a lot of satisfaction in helping them get there.

I could go on, but let’s connect and talk about your situation instead. Where are your dreams taking you? What do you want to do in the next chapter of your career? How will you find liberation and success? Franchising might not be right for you. On the other hand, it might be. Don’t you owe it to yourself to find out?

I will be pleased to help you on your journey. Call or email me today at 407.203.3966 or and let’s talk about your dreams.